Thinking About Today
Our economy is the hot topic in the news. Everyone is looking to President Obama to solve our country's economic woes. As I step onto my soapbox, fellow Americans, it is not the President's sole responsibility nor is he/his policies the answer. It is OUR responsibility as consumers to turn this country's economy around!
What is your family's economic policy? Where do you shop? What do you buy? Do you purchase handmade? Is it made in the United States of America? Do you support the arts? Do you shop/buy locally? Do you support your local small businesses therefore supporting your local economy which then supports our statewide to nationwide economy? It isn't "trickle down" people!!! Let's start local and see that effect trickle up!!!
Please stop shopping at Wal-Mart. Please stop buying CHEAP. Spend the extra money. Buy local. Buy quality. Buy handmade. It has to start with me. It has to start with you. NOT with the government. NOT with the President. It is time for AMERICANS to take responsibility for AMERICA!!!
I was inspired to write this post not only by today's events, but by fellow blogger Denise at The Seasonal Cottage and by conversations with fellow Etsian Theresa at Milo Creative Studios. Stepping off of my soapbox now...
Great Passionate post - Passion is good. It will move us forward! thanks for the link to my blog!
Very well said!
AMEN! Beautifully said!
I support handmade as much as I can and do my best not to go to Wal-Mart if at all possible. I pray for more small businesses to open locally. We have lost our town so to speak. No mom and pop stores anymore. It's very sad,but true.
Thank you, you ispired me to spread the word.
Very well said, and thank you for saying it. You're so correct that no president, no administration, no government are the answer to what ails us. It's about appreciation of our country's choice to embrace capitalism not socialism, communism or dictatorship. We ALL have to do our part in our own homes, be motivated, be responsible, budget what we have, be content with less if that's what it takes, and ultimately help everyone by not passing the buck. The burden should be on everyone...not just the 'rich', just the 'poor', or just the 'middle class'. Everyone.
Oh dear. I'm afraid you've inspired me to jump on my soapbox, too! ;-)
Thanks so much, too, for paying me a visit and your nice comments on my blog recently--I discovered you through a link from your comment!
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