I found this really interesting web site last night while creating my latest treasury. The web site is
What's Your Sign. My plan is to feature the
EtsyTwitter Team by color. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet... This is my
RED Treasury in Treasury West. Click it to see it live. An excerpt from
www.whats-your-sign.com about the color red:
Red chakra color meanings:
The first, the root and base chakra. Just like the core of Mother Earth, it pulses and swells with bright crimson radiant heat. That red is a clear sign of visceral, primitive power. It's the sparking place for big blasts of raw creation. When you see red, consider a sonic boom of powerful action propelling you forward. Consider this the spark of action. Make this hot red heat the seat of your physical, spiritual, emotional birth. This is the hot coal of your perception, and it's a great fuel-maker for whatever you want to start cooking.
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