We've all heard the saying, "It's a small world." Well, the Internet makes it so much smaller. A childhood friend, Kristen, sent a friend request via Facebook last night. Honestly, I couldn't place her immediately. We lived across the street from each other, and I moved when I was 9 years old. Kristen has a baby, close to my youngest in age. She is a registered nurse, as am I. It sure is a small world!

I don't remember much in my early childhood. Both of my parents are alcoholics. My dad is recovering. Neither my sisters nor I have seen or heard from our mother in over 10 years. My parents divorced when I was 9. I do remember one of Kristen's sisters had a
Spirograph that I enjoyed drawing with (at least I think I remember...). And I vaguely remember playing in Kristen's backyard. Maybe Kristen can help me remember more. I wonder how much of my dysfunctional family life they were aware of. Not that I am embarrassed. I once was, but through Al-Anon and therapy I realized that I was a mere child, who can't be held responsible for the actions of her parents. Sure, I suffered the consequences of their actions, but I did the best I could with what was given to me, considering...

Anyway, my new motto, which I have been reciting to my boys for the last several weeks here around the house is...
YOU are responsible for YOUR own actions.
Oh, and on a side note, I had to dig out the external hard drive to post this ADORABLE picture of me and my sisters. I am the oldest of three.
That is a great motto to teach children, you deserve a hug for that for sure :). As for your picture, that is adorable! You and your sisters are just too cute!
Talina, you've come a long way, baby. You should be proud...
Talina!! I was your babysitter way back when.. wow! You know your mom really did love you and she was so proud of you. She had a hard go of it becoming when she was only a teenager. And your dad had a thriving business. There was a lot of stress in their lives. Sometimes I think I was the only stable thing in your life when you were so little. It's wonderful to see you all grown up and raising children of your own. :)
becoming a mom... sorry there are kids jumping on my bed - hard to type
Hey Talina...I can totally understand...My mom and dad both decided parenthood was too much for them so my grandma got the job when I was 2...it leaves you with all kinds of feelings as a parent yourself (or at least it does me since I didn't have many role models to look up to). You are lucky to have had sisters...I was an only child.
Nicole Wallen
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